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How you can revive your old Laptop/PC ?(Spoiler: Linux)

In this post you would see how you can revive your old machine, saving in this way an device which can become again capable and efficient as in the beginning. I’m gonna share with you Five Linux Distro that are lightweight and also intuitive for windows users. 1.Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon Support for 32-bit systems: Yes…

Best Android OS for PC 2020

Are you interested to Run Android Os for PC? Did you know that even when there are several up-gradations like the Windows 10 and 10.1, even then there is a growing surge for the android application because they are fun to use and have a very friendly user interface? But also if you do not have a pre-installed…

Termux: The Terminal for your Android Smartphone.

What is Termux? Termux is a Linux Terminal Emulator application for Android. A terminal emulator is a program that allows the user to access the command line interface (CLI) in a graphical environment. If you’ve studied the basics of computer, you must know about the shell and command line interface. If not here is a…

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